Reflections for myself and you if you are randomly interested...

Monday, September 20, 2010

How are regular U.S. Americans surviving?

I have been extensively looking for jobs.
And I mean extensively.

While I finish my thesis and look for stimulating jobs in my field, I have been hunting for a tide-me-over job. Now, do not get me wrong...a job is a job. Any way a man or women can do an honest day of hard work is good by me. I am just really looking forward to starting a career involving my passions. (My passions that I have gone into huge debt over that I will probably be paying off for many years to come).

Anyway. Of all the (somewhere around 30) places I went to and called and followed up on only hire part time. So of course no benefits. And with this crap economy they can pay you less than normal because there are 300 other people who want the exact same crap job as you.

So my question: how are people supposed to survive?

It is difficult enough finding 1 part time job, much the 2 part time jobs that are needed to afford a shitty but bearable existence. On one part time salary, how am I supposed to pay rent? What If I get sick--how am I supposed to afford the doctor, or worse, afford any kind of treatment?

The price of food now is ridiculous! Maybe it is because I have been working and studying abroad for two and a half years now, but don't think so. I feel like going to the grocery store is such a disappointment. Buying 10 measly items racks up a $30+ bill! And I am a vegetarian, so that doesn't even include the cost of meat.

What if I had a family to support? As of right now, I only have my cat to feed. What if I had a kid or 2? Or 3? How on earth would I pay for a roof over their heads, health care, clothing, school supplies, food?

And yet, with every employer it remains the same: "We only hire part time".

How are you surviving, America? I wish the best for everyone. I really do...

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